Sunday, July 24, 2011

Weekend Number 2

So myself and Oda were lucky enough to start our weekend after the baby orphange on Thurs morning because there were enough volunteers to cover the teaching ( But shush dont tell Vanessa, she is already cursing the fact she gave me some donations because she thinks Im doing too much fun things and not enough work!!!) So our weekend started with an adventure and a half...............a crazy bus ride to Da Nang that we actually thought we not get out of alive! We were all crammed into this tiny bus that didnt even stop to let people off, you basically had to jump! It was passing out everyone and anytime I lifted my head from my book I could see an oncoming truck on our side of the road that was too close for my liking!! Surpisingly everyon obn the bus was so calm apart from Oda and I who were white with fear. I think a few people noticed that because then one of the guys said..."the busdriver is a very good driver".......... ya right!!! I cant tellyou how happy I was to evntually have my feet ob firm ground. I canty have much to complain about though because it was onlt 2 euro for an hour ride away and that was even with them charging us twice as much as the locals because we are albinos!! We then met the other volunteers at the GVN house and decided to go out clubbing for the nightt. Little did I know what this meant in Vietnam. We arrived at the club after me getting ready in 10 mins (no need for straightners or makeup in this heat!!) The first thing that hit me was how loud the music was, l;ike oh my god my heart was beating with the music. We were then brought to our table and we ordered a bottle of absolute vodka to share between the 9 of us. No mixers came though and we soon realised that it was traditional to take a swig from the vodka and then dip the fruit in the salt and chilli and thats your drink.After a few of these I decided I would die hiking a mountain with the kids tomorrow if i carried on likr this so I resorted back to the western ways and ordered a pepsi to go with it. The big plate of fruit on the table still went down well and now I can see why we bare a much fattre nation, we eat chips, nuts and crisps with alcohol while Vietnamese eat pineapple, mango dragon fruit and watermellon. For entertainment there were pole dancers who had far too little clothes on and moved theirbodies in far too many ways. to keep my blog safe I am not showing any photos Im afraid!!We then all went for a dance on the stage and because we are all ridiculously good luvking we attracted alot of attention from fellow dancers. It might have something to do with the fact we are the only white ones in there too! So we had our personal security man keeping everyone away from us as we danced!!! Was a great night but come 1 am I was ready for my bed!! The next am was torture, slightly hungover and very burnt after lying on the balcony for 10 mins in 35 degrees heat!! It was Kristyns birthday sobafter the mountain we brought all the kids out for dinner and gave Kristyn a big cake!!After dropping the kids off we decided to nurse our aching bodies and head and go to the cinema for some air con!! it was so nice that we treated ouselves to 2 movies!!
The next day myself, Oda, Leanne and Emma went to the Ba Na Hills. We took a long cable car ride up the mountain and took in all the amazing scenery. was out of this world! We then just went exploring and againattracted alot of attention with people coming up and asking to have a photo with us, so this is what It feels like to be a celeb. We then went to see the Buddha hich was amazing standing at a few jundread meters in height. Then to see the temple which was so magical, we met the monk and asked hime could we stay the night in the temple which much to our delight he agreed to and led us to this tiny room which had mats on the floor. Iknew I was not going to have the most comfortable nights sleep but who could turn down the opportunity to sleep in a temple. After leaving our luggage there we went up to the bar and had a tour around a wine cellar. We were then invited over to join a Vietnamese party and they offered us so much food and drink and we all had a sing and a dance. They say Irish are the most friendliest nation, I beg to differ! We then joined these hippy Thai peolpe who offered us more booze and sang and danced wth them most of the night. I actually slept reasonably well and in the am we thanked the monk and gav him a donation. It was such a magical weekend and one I will always treasure.........

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