Monday, July 18, 2011

First time teaching 30 kindigardens = CHAOTIC!!!! and visit to the orphanage

So Thurs am myself and some of the volunteers went to teach the kindigardens! I had a class to teach so I just went through the alphabet and colours and then some instructions like right hand left foot! when I felt like they were good enough with those I incorporated it into a game by getting circles of different colurs and playing a game of twister!!! the kids had so much fun but were kind of crazy!! i did not mind though......I was high on their enthusiasim!! they really do anything to get your attention so trying to do something with one or two kids never work because then they are all just on top of you! I then finished off the class with some songs like "head, shoulders, knees and toes", "old mc donald" and "the wheels on the bus" Some of the kids knew the words better than me!!! So that was the end of my first experience as a kindy teacher and it did not put me off straight away but Im pretty sure you would age very quick! I was sad then that there teacher came in and hit them all with a stick, which I presumed was for misbehaving :-(
I then went to the orphanage which I must admit was a huge shock. I face the hard reality of how different these kids lives are in comparison to the kids back home. They were all in metal cots and there was not a single blanket in sight so basically they all just slept on  the metal bars, it nearlly made me cry and even more so when I lifted one up and saw all the bed sores they had. They did not seem to mind but I suppose they dont know any differ. We then just took all the kids out of their cots and placed them on mats and played with them. A lot of the kids had Cerebral Palsy and hydrocephalus so we done some massage and physio to them and just changed their positions alot becaus they are constantly on their backs. one of the kids were in a pretty bad way, he has hydrocephalus and a liver problem and a big swollen belly even though his limbs are so timy, was so sad seeing him like that. He really needs to go to the hospital and have an operation but the orphange only gets 10,000 dong a month from the government for each kid to be spent on healthcare which is only 33 cent so covers nothing. I am going to try my best to organisee some fundraising for him because no kid should live like that. There was also a lovely little girl that had a cleft lip so the food keeps going up her nose and one of the other volunteers fell in love with her so I think hes trying to organise some funds so she can get it fixed. There is one healthy baby there who is just adorable and his laugh is so infectious, its just not right having him here, there is no stimuli at all as he is in his cot for most of the time and the only toys they have is some building blocks. Hopefully now that GVN has started working there the orphanage will improve and some of the volunteers have brought toys to bring. It really did give me such a shock though and I pomised there and then I will never moan about anything ever again in my life because I am truly a very lucky girl!

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