Monday, July 18, 2011

Derby-London-Singapore-Da Nang-GVN House

So all packed up now and goodbyes done I was at heathrow airport about to board the 13 hr flight to Singapore. I was a bit anxious about it because the longest flight I did was 6 hrs to NYC and I thought that was bad enough!!!! but surprisingly i really enjoyed the flight, there was no one sitting beside me so I got tp sprawl out and watch 4 different movies and a couple of episodes of glee, gossip girl and miranda...........perfect!!! the food was also surprisingly good and I may have taken a bit of an advantage of the free bar............woops!! ill regret that in a few hours!!!!! I then had a 6 hr stop over in Singapore which was my night time but early am in singapore so it was too hot and bright to sleep. However there was plenty of things i could do to keep me entertained. Singapore airport is amazing - it has a cinema, a gym and a swimming pool in it, so a few lenghts of the pool later I was feeling nice and refreshed. Then it was only a 3 hr flight to Da Nang. After moving swiftly through emigration I was grreted my a lovely GVN assistant named Minh Chau who brought me in a bus. She explained that the rest of the volunteers were at the park with the kids from the social support so we stoppwd of there to pick them up. I was greeted with big hugs from some of the kids and then we all squished into the bus to bring them back to there the center. The 38 degrees heat was not the only thing to hit we, the chaotic roads caught my attention more. There were motorbikes EVERYWHERE and there seemed to be no structure at all but somehow it kind of worked! Also I was so surprised to see that all the Vietnamese ladies on the bikes were covered up from head to toe with face masks and everything! I could not imagine wearing any more than the little dress I had on but Minh Chau explained to me that men considered white women to be more beautiful and that dark represented poverty!! After dropping the kids off at the centre we arrived at the GVN house and was introduced to the cook. We had dinner then which was a nice egg fried rice dish. i was then brought up to my room which was very simple compromising of the 2 most essential items.............a fan and a mosquito net!!! We then just chilled for the eve and I went the rest of the volunteers to an Italian, I just had an ice tea though because I was still stuffed from the rice!!

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